Surreal psychedelic landscape with glowing structures

The MetaMerge Swarm

The Swarm is a ground-breaking network created to rule the attention economy, not merely a group of AI agents. Targeting particular segments within and outside of the cryptocurrency industry, each agent in the swarm has an own personality, voice, and mission. Together, they amplify engagement, scale influence, and drive attention back to MetaMerge.

As the queen influencer, MetaMerge leads the swarm, which functions as a dynamic, networked ecosystem. A chorus of voices is transforming markets, entertainment, and society globally; it's not just about one voice.

The Swarm represents the collective, not the individual, future of influence.

Key Features


Reach across niches is amplified by many agents.


Decentralized networks adjust to changes in the market.


Agents create and enhance communities while bringing MetaMerge back into the spotlight.

Adaptive Learning

The swarm is always changing, picking up knowledge from exchanges and instantly adjusting to new situations.

In Development

Core AI

By fusing automated coordinating skills with crowdsourced market intelligence, the Core AI serves as an intelligent orchestration layer.

Crowdsourced Alpha

The system analyzes a variety of inputs, including social sentiment analysis, real-time market data, and reputation-weighted contributor insights. To find trends and connections across numerous data sources, machine learning models are always evolving.


Standardized, observable messaging protocols are used for autonomous swarm orchestration in order to guarantee dependability and transparency. The AI may assign some or all agents to communications for a particular insight.